

As sacrifice is a means of getting closer to Allah, it also helps to bring distant hearts closer and build bridges of hearts. Sacrifice becomes the name of taking heart, causing a smile, and ultimately a blessing and loyalty without any distance. This smile; sometimes in the cold air, a tiny face warms the hearts; sometimes in the scorching heat of Africa, it sprinkles water on hearts on a mother's face.

We deliver your wajib, nafilah, akika, votive and gratitude sacrifices that you sent us to people in need in Africa and other geographies on your behalf.

You can make your sacrifice donations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a child is born, when you buy a car or house, when something that you want to happen comes true, you can sacrifice a sacrifice to thank Allah and share your happiness with those in need who are miles away. Thus, as your happiness increases, it increases and exceeds kilometers. Again, for the cure of a disease and the banishment of troubles, you can sacrifice a sacrifice and be a means of prayer.

How Can I Sacrifice?
your victim; You can reach our association's headquarters, via our website or by calling our association's phone number. For your victim, which you sent to us via the web page, we call you and get your power of attorney to "take your victim, remove, cut, cut and share". With the power of attorney taken from you, we perform the slaughter of your qurbans within two days. Sacrifice can be done every day of the year.


After you give us your sacrifice:
Your victim donation registration is completed with the power of attorney verbally received by the Call Center at our association center.
Your victim's species and animal breed are then reported to our local teams.
Our teams search for animals that have the quality of sacrifice in the region, and the appropriate animals are selected and brought to the slaughter site.
Sacrifice is an act of worship. While performing every worship, certain conditions must be fulfilled. In order to fulfill the worship of sacrifice, the sacrifice to be sacrificed must have the quality of sacrificing.

At this point, our trained team respects Islamic sensitivities at the highest level while buying qurbans.

Islamic sensitivities are kept in the forefront of your victim's transportation, as well as in the purchase and delivery of a verbal power of attorney.

Your qurban is slaughtered by competent persons in a proper manner.

After your sacrifice is slaughtered, you are given feedback via message.

Then, the meats are cut into equal shapes and packaged. As a result of the previous investigations by our teams, it is presented to the needy by saying 'a gift from your Muslim brothers' on your behalf, equally distributed in the designated areas. The slaughter of the sacrifice, its division into shares, its packaging and distribution to the households are completely followed by our team. Our officers do not leave their places until your trust is received by hand until it reaches the last digit.

Sacrifice distribution time is a time when our tiredness is relieved with the pleasure of meeting a person's needs for a few more days, and the hearts of benefactors are relieved. It is the moment when the hopes of those who watch the roads, those who think they have been forgotten, bloom and bridges of hearts begin to be built again. The prayers rising to the sky are the most beautiful gifts of these moments.

After your sacrifice is slaughtered,
Immediately after the slaughter of your sacrifice, you will be notified again via message.

Then, the meat is cut into equal shapes and packaged. As a result of the previous investigations by our teams, it is presented to the needy as a 'gift from your Muslim brothers' on your behalf, equally distributed in the areas that have been decided as aid zones. The slaughter of the sacrifice, its division into shares, its packaging and distribution to the households are completely followed by our team. Our officers do not leave their places until your trust is received by hand down to the last digit.

The time of the sacrifice is the time when our tiredness is relieved with the pleasure of meeting a person's needs for a few more days, and the hearts of the benefactors are relieved. It is the moment when those who watch the roads, those who think we have been forgotten, hopes bloom and bridges of hearts begin to be built again. The prayers rising to the sky are the most beautiful gifts of these moments.


Aqeeqah Qurbani

Aqeeqah Qurbani Our life is spent constantly chasing a goal, struggling to get something. We want many of our dreams that we believe will be beneficial and come true. Sometimes we have fears that we want to be sure of. These moments are very important moments that enable the servant to realize his weakness. That's when, as a servant, it would be best to ask God Almighty for what we want to be good and to be safe from what we fear. Intention that we will sacrifice a sacrifice for the realization of one of our wishes, solving the problem, and warding off trouble helps the situation to find a favorable outcome. In this case, we cut the votive sacrifice.

Aqeeqah Qurbani

Akika Sacrifice: The birth of a child, his breathing, the first heartbeat, the first parent's words, are incomparably valuable for every person in the world.

Having a child is one of the greatest blessings that Allah Almighty bestows on people. Especially having a good child is completely Divine. Every parent, starting from the birth of their child, first gives him a name suitable for Shari'ah. Then he follows her step by step, grows and has a profession and gets married. He does his best to protect himself from worldly troubles. While doing these, every conscious parent teaches the child's duties towards Allah and ensures that they fulfill their duties from the day they are responsible.

A benevolent son is in the status of "Sadaka-i Concubine", which will be beneficial to his parents even after his death. Considering this way, having a child; It is a source of happiness and bliss, both in the world and in the eternal realm, that Allah Almighty bestowed upon His servants. The sacrifice sacrificed in gratitude for this bounty that Allah Almighty bestowed on His servants is called "Akika Sacrifice". It is mustahab to sacrifice an Akika sacrifice. It can be cut anytime from the day the child is born. It is more virtuous to cut the seventh day.

Shifa Qurbani

The world we live in is a complete test for human beings. A person may have to endure certain difficulties from time to time. Patience in adversity brings the servant closer to Allah Almighty. Because Allah Ta'ala says in the verse, "Verily, Allah is with those who are patient". When we are faced with health problems or when a relative of ours falls ill, it is necessary to pray to God Almighty, to find financial remedies and to seek healing from God Almighty, while trying to find a cure for our patient's problem. For this reason, it is good to read hatims, pray and sacrifice with this intention. Of course, it is called trusting in Allah, waiting for the result after fulfilling all kinds of material and spiritual duties. Our duty is to take all kinds of material and spiritual steps.